Through the circles

We realised that it had been a long time since we had visited Saltholme RSPB Nature Reserve when we arrived there today. There were not many birds around, but it was a lovely circular walk following the Lakeshore Path. Gordon took a few diversions, but I was quite happy wandering in the sunshine on a good path. 

On the way back to Seaton Carew we stopped at the car park for Cowpen Marsh and Seal Sands. I am sure local Blippers know a lot more about this than I do, but we were impressed with work that has been done to the flood banks of Greatham Creek to offer greater flood protection to the local community whilst enhancing the habitat for local wildlife. We did not have time to walk down to the Seal viewpoints, but from the quite stylish screening above the car park it was possible to see seals and many birds. 

Then we went to the sea. A surprising number of people wandering about in the sunshine, as we did. Then it was time for fish and chips and home. 

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