Three Plants

One of the plants in this picture is not real. Fact or fiction?

It's been a frustrating day, to put it mildly. I don't want to go into the details, but I might have to storm the barricades in person. Problem is, I don't know which barricades to storm. Maybe tomorrow. I don't have the energy to do it today. 

I can feel the days getting longer, especially since we have had a run of sunny warm weather. The grass is still green on the hills, fed by the rains of the last month.  The huge crane and rotating cement truck were back to pour the foundations for the house on one side of us. I'm not sure what is going on on the other side other than nothing. A pump house has been built and a water tank installed behind it, but there has been no action on starting the house, which should be far easier to build than the one on the other side because it is on a level lot  right on the street. But there is no point in speculating...we'll find out soon enough....

Thanks for all the well wishes for Claire. She is recovering . She is a feisty girl and she will have to decide for herself what she wants to do. I think she thought she would be in the thick of things at the university of Bologna and not housed out in the middle of a field 45 minutes from campus. Apparently it's an 'old fashioned program that concentrates entirely on language acquisition and not so much on the culture. I think she expected both....

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