Father and son…

My nephew, ready to leave for the wedding in Fife today. I’m extremely proud of him! We 4 have seven boys between us and rate them all highly in the good- looking stakes! The little man in the photo has a particular photo face and holding his parents’ travel snacks kept it at bay.
My nephew went to Edinburgh University and hasn’t lived south since. His wife is from Nairn. We think that justifies the kilt.  

We’ve had a very good day doing our childminding. I’ve gone up in the LEGO league table and our Star Wars game lasted several hours. Miriam had a good day at school and was very happy for us to take and collect her. Big Sis/ Grandma did the swimming run.

Bedtime took some time…. but both children are (now) sound asleep. I’ve been reminded this evening that I’m their great auntie, putting the emphasis on the great. What a privilege! Grandma wins all the prizes.

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