Pigeon roost, Dulwich Park
It was busy in Dulwich Park today – everyone's out in the sunshine. It was a beautiful day for a walk. I took a shorter circuit than the one via Brockwell that Fred and I usually take on a weekend. Instead, West Norwood to Belair Park, around Dulwich Park and back via West Dulwich. I fancied a cuppa, but the cafes were busy and I didn't wish for a take-out cuppa as all the sunny benches (quite rightly) had been snaffled. So, I held out and visited the new fancy fruit/veg/tea/treats shop in West Dulwich. I bought some Island Bakery biscuits that I hadn't seen before (coffee, cinnamon and white chocolate) and celery as long as my arm.
Meanwhile, in Inverness Fred's started to take apart the kitchen and the water damage has spread further than estimated, so it could be a complete take up of the floor, plus new plasterboard in the corner. It's a good opportunity to insulate, though, as that room is colder than the rest of the house and with the fuel bills going up... A (thermal) silver lining, as it would have been harder to think of insulation if he didn't have to dismantle the kitchen units.
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