Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

The Harvester

It's full on harvest time here in Blenheim and everywhere we go, we see these big machines. We often have to drive slowly behind several as well. The men who drive them all where bright vis-a-vests, and it makes an interesting time for photography as there's so much action and colour.

The Mistress had to pop out early this morning and was able to catch this one driving slowly so she got out and put my life in danger. I mean - these machines are huge and I'm just a tiny camera in comparison! We could have been harvested! (The Mistress is just mumbling how we would make the wine tastier!)

Nine days to go. The Mistress is watching the situation in North Korea like a hawk. She said she's worried that if North Korea carries out its threat then it may affect travel plans. She said she thinks the threats have gone too far, and it would be hard for the Kim Jong to extricate from these now without losing face. So this war may be inevitiable now. We shall see. Hopefully sense will prevail. The world does not need another war.

She's also laughing. While all this serious stuff is happening overseas, (Korea, Recession, Greece, Rio Tinto) New Zealanders are moaning about the trifling petty media attention about whether the Prime Minister did or did not suggest to someone that they should apply for a job. The Mistress thinks it's hilarious because as far as she can see - that is business as normal. She said had the Prime Minister been involved in the interview process, then yes, it would be serious, but he wasn't. All he did was ring friend to say - did you know about this job opening. She's done it lots of times!

The Mistress thinks New Zealanders should stop sweating the small stuff and start thinking about the big stuff.

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