Kitchen Confidential: Our Kitchen's Underbelly

"Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in The Culinary Underbelly" is a New York set best selling non fiction book by the American chef Anthony Bourdain, first published in 2000.
It is an unfiltered look at the less glamorous aspects of high-end kitchens, which he describes as unremittingly intense, unpleasant, hazardous and staffed by misfits. Bourdain believed that the kitchen is no place for dilettantes or slackers and that only those with a masochistic dedication to cooking will remain undeterred.
Now I am in no way comparing our kitchen to a high-end one but I do agree with the sentiment to a certain extent. I have burnt and scalded myself on many occasions, dropped cakes on the floor that I've spent hours making, melted various kitchen utensils and got hot chip fat in my eye but I have retained a love of cooking..but I also sometimes hate it in equal measure, as I have to do it nearly every day.
Today's shot is an image of the underbelly of our kitchen by the end of the week. Tiredness, frustration, lethargy and sometimes anger lead to what you see here. Nobody in our family has the tidiness gene (if they had I'm sure they would have had a nervous breakdown by now!) so this is what we sometimes end up with! I decided to combine it with a photographic aspect so this is my brother sitting on the kitchen floor pointing his camera back at me - he says this is what he feels like at the end of a working week!

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