The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Temple Under Construction

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Kitty Cat and I went to cycling class this morning. As we arrived, I was rummaging in my pocket for a mask and pulled out…an After Eight wrapper.

I was just disappointed that it was empty!

This afternoon, The Eldest Mini Princess went back to Glasgow. Before she left, we were having lunch and started talking about Instagram. The Youngest Mini Princess has deleted her account. The Prince and I both said that we have accounts but never use them.

YMP: “Mum, you only have about 3 followers.*”

The Prince opened Instagram and held out his phone: “How can I tell how many followers I have?”

Me (peering without my glasses): “I don’t know. I can’t actually see it.”

EMP: “That might be the most old person conversation I have heard.”


*This is a wild exaggeration. I have one!!

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