
By tookie

Stellar Jay.....

not stellar day llol but tomorrow....Sunday they say some sunshine that would be very much appreciated!!!!

This little puffed up one was hiding amongst the branches outside...not as dismal as yesterday, but not great either.  But seeing some blue flashs flying around the back I watched as the blue went into the plum tree branches and was able to get a few shots off before they flew off.  I do love the color of them and  find them prettier than the ones I grew up with in Ohio...altho I liked them too.  
    Calls to folks to R's sister who was quite ill and had fallen and found ill by her daughters who had come up for the holidays....his sister had very excessive blood high and a UTI  and had hurt her ribs from the fall...she hadn't seen a doctor in years and so now that she has gone again she is back on some meds and getting tests.  Shes back in Pa. and in a small rural area where she hasn't had the best of care.....hopefully she will put her self care higher on the list now.  Worrisome but we'll make more calls now to check in on her.  

  Yesterdays dismal one here

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