Fiery Sunset

This was the sun setting outside our bedroom door. It's a  bit  reminiscent  of the fires which raged in the hills underneath, but I must get over that response to a spectacular sunset. The shepherds must be positively dancing with delight! On this side of the pond we usually say sailors instead of shepherds, but I'm sure they are probably dancing too...

I noticed the other day that the baseboards in the kitchen were disreputably dirty. The fact that the sun was streaming through the kitchen window illuminating the dust motes in the air and the grime underneath.  Cleaning  seemed like a good distraction and a fairly good workout too considering the postures needed to do it. I know that cobwebs and dog hair are a bad combination and we have plenty of both! Cleaning the baseboards  was relatively easy, but led to mission creep as most projects do. I'm surprised the fridge didn't pack it in given the amount of lint that was jammed underneath it. The vacuum was required to suck it out of the narrow space not to mention the grille designed to keep dust out but had given up on the effort long since.

The vacuum cord wouldn't retract and I couldn't fit the grille back into the space underneath the fridge, but I left the former for another day and the latter for John to figure out. While I was at it, I cleaned the stove top and scrubbed the cast iron grates that go over the burners. 

It was a day of warm(ish) sunshine and no precipitation, so we took Spike for a walk to meet Dana and Jim who were on their way up. He and Blake shared the remains of the foamed milk in our coffee cups. Dana and I  tried to coordinate finishing at the same time but there was a bit of confusion on Spike's part as to who was holding his cup. In the end Dana held them both and she certainly had their undivided attention*. 

Fueled by their coffee dregs, they had a fine tug-of war with the knotted rope. I'm not sure if Spike got that it was a game, but he certainly held on for dear life as Blake backed and shook. and growled. The fact that they were doing this on top of our feet prevented me from getting a good picture. 

We are expecting the neighbors for a glass of wine any moment and I'm not sure I ever combed my hair today. Time to go check....

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