Remembering Gramps

It would have been Gramp's 100th birthday today...

I spent a peaceful day at home, hair wash, pottering, you get the idea. It remained cloudy as per the entire two-weeks of vacation time, but it was cooler, which was nice after the unseasonably warm temps. I got a bit choked up earlier and my eyes filled with tears, as I thought of dear Gramps, and how special it felt that he was born a hundred years ago today, and also of dear Helen, who I also miss beyond measure. This time last year we went walking at the ranges with P and the dog, B, and it was a really nice memory. It hurts to know how much can change in a year, and I don't want to face the reality. 

I went to mum's around 3pm, and Little Ro arrived soon after, having picked up Gramps's favourite - cake! We had tea and cake around the same table where he used to sit, and we spent a happy couple of hours telling stories and reminiscing. He left a huge hole, and although I think of him every day, it was nice to share it. 

Home around 8pm, to finally do the school work I've been putting off for the last few weeks! 

A bit of a drama in my new neighbourhood tonight, which left me a bit shaky, my mind racing, and only four hours and fifty minutes of sleep according to my Fitbit! Tomorrow is going to be hard!

I love you Gramps. 

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