Caked Myself
It’s official, today is my birthday. Thanks to Mom and Dad, lol! Actually I should be grateful to the Obstetrician they sought out after losing two babies in the ninth month. The recommendation was to take me at eight months, so they did, and it worked, ‘cause here I am! • MrsP and I indulged in a piece of birthday cake with breakfast (it’s tradition) before visiting the river in several places. The spot closest to home was the most active because of open water: Geese, mergansers, gulls, mallards and a common goldeneye • A couple of movies with a G&T and veggie burgers and fries are on the birthday menu, along with more cake if I can fit it in :) • I’m WoWed and Humbled by the response to yesterday’s hawk blip. It’s thrilling that so many of you liked it too! I see we made it to the Popular Page! Woo-hoo! What a pleasant surprise to see this morning, on my birthday. Thank You All, So Much! • Now, go cake yourselves :)
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