Gifts of Grace

By grace


I took a day off from writing, from swimming, from this writer's life that is so congenial to me.

I took 300 photos in bright sunshine of lambs, horses, gardens and lots of water abstracts. Plus lots of random Saul Leiteresque stuff. I'd forgotten how hard it is to select a blip when you have so many distinct categories of images.

What I was looking for was an image to go with a song that's been in my head all week. You'd think I'd know by now that that looking for a specific image deadens the quest, shuts down perception.

I blipped trays of cakes, jars of honey, every form of confection known to man.

Here is the song - be warned, the entire staff of a cafe became a flash mob this afternoon under its earwormish influence. Possibly you have to be of a certain age. We were :)

It's the theme tune to the next phase of life in Istanbul - over in my other place.

Happy weekend blippers, life is sweet. Am way behind on comments, half finished conversations all over the place. Catch up tomorrow, promise.

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