The ice rider.

Another day which didn't go as planned.  The intention was to go  photographing in Perthshire.  The conditions would have been perfect. Snow and sunshine.  However, I slept late, procrastinated, phoned the roofer, left a message, set Roomba going downstairs, basically caught up on all yesterday's undone chores, then went into the garden, chatted to Emma and got rid of lots of periwinkle.  Not much to left to go.  Came in frozen about three and realised I'd better get cracking with a photo.  Once in the car I found the windscreen was iced up so took some photos and went off to Charlottetown to look for lichen.   I knew I'd left it late.  Walked up the right of way where I would get the most light.  No lichen.  Met a man with a dog who climbed through the fence to socially distance. It is a narrow fenced path in places.  I thanked him and admired his dog and stood watching the light diminish  as he talked and talked and talked.  He was a nice person and kind and I could see no way of leaving. I think he just needed someone, a stranger, to unload the difficulties of caring for a chronically ill wife in a pandemic to. His daughter had poor health as well and there were endless hospital visits. Things sometimes went wrong and it sounded a real strain.
Eventually we parted company and I carried on down the path in gathering dusk.  Walked too far, took a photo of a distant moon and went home.
After tea and toast and a heat pad I did an extreme crop on the moon and photoshopped it and the frost patterns to death.  The frost image bears the closest resemblance to reality and I quite like the moon.  The noisy background could just about pass off as a starry sky.

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