
Today's the day ....................... for an old favourite

I seem to be blipping lots of birds recently - and here's another one - but it's a while since I blipped this one and in any case, who can ever resist a robin?!

We have two robins who come regularly to the bird feeders.  I'm not sure whether they are male and female - or both the same.  Whatever they are, they have a healthy disregard for each other.  They're always having little showdowns over who's allowed to eat what - and who's in the other one's territory.  You know the sort of thing?

Apparently, the UK robin population has increased by 45% since the 1970s and continues to rise.  The biggest threat to them is prolonged, severe winter weather. During cold nights robins use up to 10% of their body weight to stay warm. If they are unable to replenish these fat reserves, it can be fatal.

So providing food on bird tables during cold weather can make a big difference to their survival.  Even if they do scrap about it …………………..

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