This morning's bag from the reserve included this woodpecker plus a treecreeper. The latter was too blocked by intervening twigs and as a shot the woody isn't entirely successful either, but I was delighted to add to the type of birds in my journal. Other birds seen included goldcrests, redstarts, cormorants (flying high), goldfinches, chaffinches, blue, great and long-tailed tits and a plethora of robins and blackbirds. And, amazingly, the sky was very blue as I set out, even if grey by the time I returned. Now it's raining.
At the moment K and I are going through a New Year clear out. However hard you try not to collect junk, somehow wherever you live you just do. The charity shops will be doing well out of us..
Enoy the weekend, lovely blipfriends - and thank you for all your very kind comments, hearts and stars yesterday - appreciated, one and all xx
PS: My internet keeps flashing off and on - if it really goes i may need to finish commenting tomoz..
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