Life In Wales

By KarenC


I was up early to take the boys to the doggy hotel as we’re going to stay with Lorraine & Richard in Northamptonshire for the weekend - we’ve all done LFT’s this morning and everyone’s clear.

After dropping the boys off, I drove back into Snowdonia and the weather conditions were much better than yesterday, however, despite the forecast of more snow through the night, there was less than yesterday which was a little disappointing. Anyway, I was able to put my new walking boots to the test, and they were great, really comfy and warm! Despite there not being any low lying snow, it was lovely to see the snow capped mountains, and two fighter jets flew past - far too quickly for me to take any photos as my camera was in the bag.

I was home by lunch time and Alan finished work at 1pm, we had sushi for lunch and then packed the car and set off at 2.15pm. It’s been a horrible journey so far with hail and sleet in Wales, followed by rain and poor visibility on the M6 and then snow! I know I wished for snow, but I meant on the mountains, not the motorway! Anyway it’s cleared up now and we just have an hour to go.

Hope you all have a good weekend x

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