By lizzie_birkett

One Welly

The Lonesome Welly

I saw the strangest sight today
While walking past a shop
A welly in an old door way
With an empty beer can in the top
It was obvious from a packet
That croissants had also been had
When he got home in just one welly 
I bet that guy was hoppin’ mad! :-D

A light hearted poem today. I was left wondering why that right welly was there. :- ]

It hasn’t been quite as cold today though we’ve had rain, sleet and hailstones with intermittent blue sky and bright sunshine.
Frank had an appointment at podiatry this morning for a condition that has been causing him pain on walking. The name escapes me. Anyway they are making him a special insole. While he was there I had a wander round some shops but not for long as it was horrible out there. I got one or two things I needed including the last 2 boxes on the shelf of Mon Cheri cherry liqueur choccies. I love them and they just happen to be vegan! There are 15 in a box so I will have 5 a day! Well, it is fruit! :-D))

I met Frank in Tesco he had a full basket and so did I - but nothing double.

Sabrina was taking Amelia and Lucy to ice skating in Stirling this morning but they got stuck behind other vehicles that had slid all over the place and they had to turn back. All in all what is normally a half hour journey took 2 1/2 and all for nothing! The roads were clearer by this afternoon so is taking them at 5pm. They go between two different rinks - Coatbridge and Stirling depending where Gemma the coach is teaching.

I finished my Geraldine Brooks book Year of Wonders, about the plague in the village of Eyam in 1666. I loved it but was slightly put out by the end. Just a little unexpected I suppose but I would still recommend it. Tonight I can start one of three books I got for Christmas from Frank. I’ll let you know which one ;-)

That’s all for today Blippers.
Thank you for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts for my poetry. 
Only another 358 to go! :-0 X

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