journeys with sellotape

By vikisellotape

two and a half today!!

PJ got to choose what we did today as it was her two and a half years old birthday. She wanted to go to the forest to run from The Big Bad Wolf, The Three Bears, The Gruffalo, The Fox and the Snake; "do chasin'" and have a picnic. So we set off to do just that. Now I don't know what exactly malfunctioned in my brain but: at home we are surrounded by hills covered in snow / in my head I saw us in a sunny clearing in the forest having a picnic. We started to climb the hill into the forest, it started to get snowier and snowier, *lightbulb* oh yeh, the hills are snowy eh...duh!! oh well, we had fun, couldn't exactly put down the picnic blanket but cleared the snow off off a picnic table and had our picnic there. We're both looking forward to the snow going...HAPPY TWO AND A HALF YEARS OLD POLLY-JANE FRANCIS X X X

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