Ridwan's Life Moments

By ridwanslife

Two Reading Ideas

Today’s three good things were:

This year I’m challenging myself to read 25 books. I had an idea to read one book together with Safana. I wanted to be a better spouse I can and I purchased The Muslim Marriage Guide by Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood last year but never got around to reading it. The idea is for us to read the same book together, reflect and leave marginalia in the book for discussion as and when needed. This may help us in better understanding each other and make our marriage stronger.

I started trialling a new app called FitnessAI for Strength Training. It comes with a free 7-day trial and I liked the first-day workout. I have two more free workout sessions left. I may consider subscribing for a year at the end of the trial.

Another book-related idea I got from the What Should I Read Next? podcast Episode 313, pick a tough book, like a thick or a dense book on a particular topic of your interest and read a set number of pages every day. I like this idea because this will help me to read classic novels that people including myself say they want to read but never get to read them.

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