
A day at the Science Festival down at The City Arts Centre. In previous years they've always had a table full of screw, springs, cogs, etc that you selected and arranged to your liking on top of a glass frame before being taken into the darkroom to make your own pictograms on photographic paper. But not this year, instead you had to still for 30 seconds in front of some tinbox cameras loaded with paper and then you got taken into the darkroom to do the necessaries. Developer, stop, fix, wash.

This is me and my lot on 3 seperate images we made that I've scanned in and left unaltered. At the Science Festival they had a camera set up that they called 'The Reverse Machine' whereby you held up your picture to it and it appeared 'correct' on a monitor. I have 'invert colours' and 'flip horizontal' as my reverse machine.

Music, I've had a song, an old song in my head for most of the day (again). I think I was even thinking of it when I posed for that tinbox photograph, ahem.

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