Well, the intention - not a resolution - to make sure I hit 365 blips this year has taken a hit, eh? I've done the easy bit, the actual photos, but they've not made it to the ether. I'm going to fill the gaps though.
Today saw a full day of work, finishing at 7pm. Two dog walks, fed 3 robins twice, saw the kingfisher twice (no bloody camera) egg-chips-beans for tea, two episodes of Portrait Artist Of The Year (finally finished the last series, culminating with the boy painting Nicola Benedetti for the Scottish Portrait Gallery, brilliant).
I then made Gary's sandwiches for work. Cheese and celery, my favourite if no-one else's. I don't know when or how making those bloody sandwiches became my job but it somehow seems to be. I do remember feeling really ill and struggling to make them a couple of years back and I thought at the time "if I dont snuff it, I'll never moan about doing this again". Oops.
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