What a beautiful sunrise

As you all know...................... our weather app is a big, fat, liar. Today it said it was going to rain all day, but just look how lovely the sunrise was on my walk this morning? We trekked around for about 45 mins and it didn't rain.

Having said that, after I'd had my breakfast, it rained and rained and rained. I got left 'home alone' while Ann went out and it was absolutely chucking it down.

But do you know what?...................... by the time I went out for my afternoon walk the rain had stopped so I walked all the way along Porthminster Beach and then I walked all the way around the Harbour and then I had a play on Porthmeor Beach. We were out for about an hour and a half and it didn't rain at all. Yay!!

Early evening, Ann's friends, Steve and Simon & their two little Pugs, (Ollie & Tom) came round for drinkies. (see extras)  After a 'mad 5 mins' us doggies settled down in 'snooze mode'. Phew!!!

And that's been our day. Obv I had to have 'late dinner' because Ann didn't want to feed me while the Pugs were here, but my dinner has now been gobbled up and I'm lying snoozing.


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