The Ball Field

... well that's what I call it.   In truth the field at the front of the big house at Rhydyronen, owned by long time friends.   Ruth rode a pony here once or twice, maybe twenty years ago.  A convenient place to let Meg loose without any issues of other dogs or people - not that we have anything against others, just that control in stimulating situations is a work in progress and especially while I'm recovering, keeping things simple suits.

A wet day.  Yesterdays snow obscured by cloud  this morning and washed away when I set out optimistically into what might have been just a brief sunny interlude.   It was more than that and the day ended  blue sky bright :-)

Outing for Jamie's massage this morning.  Admin and sorting stuff this afternoon.  My 'office' space is beginning to become more ordered.   More work to do yet.

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