The Still-Decorated Tree

Twelfth night, and according to the book the tree has to be down. And it is, but more for convenience and normality than anything else. Outside in the garden though there are still pretty ornaments in the trees...

In the local and national news, in a refreshing break from covid, the acquittal of the Colston Four has gain polarised opinion. As a born and bred (and white) Bristolian, I guess I was aware and unaware of the statue, and slightly taken aback though pleased when the BLM protests seized an opportunity long postponed by ineffectual politicians.

I'm glad they were acquitted; it was the right outcome. I'm disturbed by the statement from the MP for Newark (recently found to have acted unlawfully) who suggests acquittal ought not to be an option open to jurors. These days laws are changed on lesser waffle. But it shows jurors have autonomy. The defendants did not deny the facts; they told the jury why they'd done it and the jury said fine.

But in all other respects today was a stay in front of the telly day. Outside in the freezing cold and pouring rain, well, it's for the birds...

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