
Another productive, but boring for the kids, morning at the bank and then into work to do some scanning.

Then a much asked for trip to Technopolis where we decided to become members as the kids absolutely love it (Olivia did ask the lady at the desk if they did children's birthday parties!). The favourite activity today was the short stretch of running track where you select an animal to race against and have your speed recorded. Both kids loved this and did it over and over again. I know this isn't a great photo but Dex did make us laugh today as when he ran down the track he roared all the way before doing a comedy fall into the crash mat. Every time. The people who were waiting for their turns found this very amusing so I had to blip it!

From there I was dropped off at the doctors for a much dreaded appointment before catching the tram home and meeting up with the rest of the crew before going to a neighbour's house for our tea.

All in all, a very productive day.

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