Uh Oh!

Lost sheep. A parable coming on maybe?

Waking up to an, 'Uh oh!' from Hubs as he was looking out of the window I realised something was wrong - yet again! I actually thought - chickens ....

We have had many, 'Uh oh!' moments over and since Christmas:

Going for the most momentous of these: the boiler pump blew up on Boxing Day and  we have had no heating or hot water till today. The trip switch has blown numerous times putting everything out of kilter and so I have been living the life of the hot water bottle person at night. Sexy or what? 

That was until today which shenanigans blew the smaller things out of the water - we had sheep! Oh yes! Not ours I might add as I tried to explain to the people who insisted on ringing me as water soaked into my Dubarry's and I froze outside with Eddy the sheep man ... who turned up just far too late. Three hours late to be exact. The sheep have left hoof marks everywhere and eaten many shrubs. Pruning may have been needed but they weren't kind.

At first count early doors we had three dozen but as the rest of the flock - which I actually called a herd to one of the doctors from Dad's hospital ward (at which point his heart must have sunk wondering why on earth he had rung such a dippy woman) realised they were missing out on the action, pushed through the fencing too  .....I did my best to focus. Then mum's surgery rang and then to top it another team from the surgery rang as I ploutered through the mud. Sheep and water at this point were just immaterial .... 

Positively rocketing out of the garden later this afternoon having being trying to do the accounts I got my Extra shot which I love. A beautiful partridge on a wall, which let me back up in the car unusually as I'd shot past.

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