
Back to work today. Let's just say the 0630 alarm was a bit of a shock to the system. There were a surprising number of people in the office though, lots, like me, who were going stir crazy after 10 days in the house.  I caught up with my project management team and did the last bits of pre post Christmas admin, approving timesheets and holidays already taken type stuff before plugging my headphones in and doing some annual review feedback for a few people as well as deciding who I'm going to ask for mine. It's always best to pick the tame stakeholders for the majority I find, along with a couple of ramdoms.

As a result of 'unexpected but we've planned it in anyway' staff shortages there are no trains running to my usual station so I had to travel via a different one today. This view is one of my favourites, although I didn't quite manage to avoid all of the glare from the platform lighting.

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