Its a wrap!

Tree is down, decorations are packed up, non drop needles have been swept up and wall behind the tree that went mouldy (the reason we are moving!!!) has been bleached.

Wondering where we will be when I next get them all out!!!

I have been collecting Hampers over the last few weeks. I thought they would make nice storage boxes. My sister actually gave me this one!

Bella went to fat club. Mr W is very disappointed that she hasn't reached her target weight yet. She's still loosing weight but not fast enough for his liking. Perhaps he should try her diet!!! He's booked her in again for 2 weeks time. Poor doggy.

Its raining this afternoon so I am busy making another Rabbit request.

I have also written down everything in the freezer so we can get everything eaten before we move instead of keep adding to it! Tonight I have curry sauce with fish fingers and rice!!!

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