Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Back to normal

Sarah and John are back at work. I am wondering how to tackle the multitude of jobs that have built up over the festive season, and in order to procrastinate, I went out for a quick drive. Visibility was better than on Boxing Day, but the road was still treacherous, and I passed a car that had skidded off  into a ditch. I met a family who had driven 2 hours to see the view they have in a beloved painting  - they were very surprised to find the snow, but I explained the micro-climate that can mean 4 or 5 degrees difference in temperature up there. I will never tire of the bleak expanse of Marsden Moor spreading out into the distance. 

Me in a very big coat in extras.

Luna has been back to the vet - they are quite happy with progress, but still no walks until at least Friday so they can be sure the wound is fully healed - greyhound skin is prone to necrosis (sounds grim) so absolutely no licking allowed (I'll try and resist.....). The muzzle is still in use, and the stink-eye is fully deployed. 

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