Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Noises off...

"Lloyd: Brooke?
Brooke: Yes?
Lloyd: Are you in?
Brooke: In?
Lloyd: Are you there?
Brooke: What?
Lloyd: You're out. Okay. I'll call again."
from Noises Off, Michael Frayn

Dear Blipperty Blippers,
Do you ever feel the action is elsewhere? And you're not there? I do. I don't know what it is, but there is something behind the kitchen door. I don't think it is another dog. When I get behind the kitchen door, it is not there. And I think I would notice it if it was. I'm not daft and I have 20/20 vision (sort of). I have looked in the cupboards. I have looked inside the living room and in all the bins in the bathroom/bedrooms. Nothing. Nada.

But the second I get back inside the kitchen, it starts again. The pitter patter of feet. This running noise. Do you think my toys come to life (even though I have chewed their heads off) when I am not looking? Or do I just have an over-active imagination? It sounds like an animal. Could there be a mysterious animal over that side of the house? Why would it not want to play with me?

I wouldn't bite its head off. I wouldn't. And I wouldn't chase it (much).

It's a mystery. aprecious says if you're thinking of Toyah Wilcox now, you probably need help.

Anyway, I'm in a ponderous mood.



p.s surely it can't be another cat? How many do they need? Are they normal?

It is a cat and we're certainly not normal. There, said it. And for those of you who are asking - how many cats? It's 5. I know, it's ridiculous.

The one on the other side of the door is a rescue cat and she is terrified of all of the other cats even though they are pretty benign as a bunch.

I like the inadvertent soft focus on this shot.

I swam 2 and 3/4 miles this morning. Boy do my shoulder sting a bit.

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