and through the wire...

By hesscat


Last day of my hols, we headed into the town for the cinema and I took Arlo a walk around the Meadows after. It's a nice walk at night, there are many swanky apartments to the north which were orignally the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, where Ms H was born 21.5 years ago. The end apartments must have great views south across the city, I wonder what the view north to the castle must be like. They do look very modern and unique and I assume very expensive, I love conversions. I also love the open views into them and lights and I am sure curtains and blinds would spoil the effect... but...  I could NEVER live somewhere where anyone can look in and blip take photos of me sitting on my sofa conked out, NEVER I say! Which kind of restricts me to the top floor apartments, at a stretch.

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