Decorations .......
....... Down!
Well this is a first, I never remove the signs of a festive Christmas tide until 12th night !Somehow this year was worse than last for me. So after the household chores this morning and "A" had left at 3pm, I set to work and cleared all the decorations ( at least put them into a bag ready for sorting and stowing away in boxes tomorrow . " A" will put them back into the loft when he comes on Thursday. Where they will be labelled " Christmas 2022" ready to be displayed again at the end of the year. I will put family cards back on display until Thursday , as daughter C 's card didn't arrive so let's hope it will tomorrow.
I've been feeling better today, but after a little exertion I know it's time to stop. So if this is how it's got to be , so be it.
Tho' we haven't seen any sun today, it has been a consistent temperature of 9%c so quite pleasant , do hope everyone has had a brilliant day.
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