Monday Walk
Beautiful sunny day - at first - so drove over to the other side of Thetford to go for a walk in the forest at Lynford. It's a varied walk - forest, lakes & heathland - & there are generally a lot of photo-opportunities. The walk was good but didn't generate many photos, due to the sun dropping into cloud, conservation work, the highland cattle being too far away in the parkland, etc, etc, so this is one of my series of "weird & wonderful trees". I've tried to photograph it there before, from the path, but this time I went to the other side as the undergrowth had died down a bit. It's as if it split into two trunks quite low down then has enormous branches which curve away out of the picture and a very contorted shape (which I'm still not able to do justice to!). No idea whether the shape is genetic or due to damage down the years. Interesting, anyway.
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