Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Grandson Number 1

My daughter, her husband and grandson came to visit today. I am the only one off all day. The weather isn't particularly good, but it is mild enough to permit some proper ventilation in the house. Work and Covid have combined to stop a trip to see the wee chap, but we are all clear. So Extra 1 shows grandson in the morning still bouncy.

Twin 1 arrives for lunch, the blip above shows grandson having a post lunch nap. After the rain has stopped, it is nearly dark, and the clouds don't help, especially as it is the shortest day. We manage to have a wee walk around the park in approximate daylight pre-coffee time. IT is nice not to have to deal with nappies anymore.

All of us are home for the  lovely afternoon tea acquired from the local Italian café. It is quite a spread with starter, main and dessert (and a dolce for the coffee)

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