Spot the difference (not the dog)
This is a retake of my blip of 3 October 2021. The blip on the 3rd was significant in that this was the first time I had been able to meet up with friends after lockdown. We were all fully vaccinated and abiding with the restrictions at the time. That second lockdown I found particularly hard, perhaps because towards the end, having given up work, there was no regular daily contact with people. Zoomies was not the same as having a face to face picnic with friends.
So today, Hamish and Maggy restaged the blip. I tried to keep it the same as my blip on 3 October but there are differences. I can count 10 differences, can you. A heart for someone who gets the same 10 as me if you want to play along.
Thanks for hosting Apollofly.
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