A Wild Life

Answering once again DDW's April Challenge, the prompt this time "Wildlife." Forgive me for blipping a scene I shot earlier in the year. I thought when I saw the prompt that I had to somehow portray the wild times of my teaching life. The "normal" teaching day swirls by in a chaotic dance; if we ever waited for the perfect, teachable moment, no one would ever learn a thing.

But somehow, I've been addicted in some fashion to this crazy life. There's a real buzz, and I wonder how things will be in my life without that buzz after I hang it up. But I think things will be ok. It's been such a great career - a calling - but not for the faint of heart, this wild life. I'm going to miss this crazy place.

A shout out to Period 2 AP Lit and Comp class for helping me out with this. You are one wild bunch.

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