Jim took this ….
I opened a bag of popcorn …… I was pretty much alone on the sofa before that .. fickle fickle creatures …
I’ve had to book a PCR test for tomorrow… reason being is a feel unwell but it could be just a cold and in all probability is .. however I have to ferry my Dad to and from Coventry hospital later this week and I’m mithered I’ll make him poorly .. I don’t care about catching it myself but I do care about my dad .
I’ve never once been scared of the virus but I have been frightened of humans reactions , I mean the hysterics or the deniers . There is normal people like us in the middle .. we do as we are bid and get on with it .. then you get the extremist.. either side .. they need a punch in the face . SO … this is the last you’ll hear about the virus from me , I don’t talk about politics or religion ( I’m an atheist so I don’t have anything to say anyway on that subject) and now Covid and it’s variants are on the banned list .. I also have the odd other weird topics on my list one of them is mushrooms.. the sight , smell and texture if I accidentally come across them makes me heave … I know I know … look , you’d all be bored if I hadn’t added the extra banned item … I’ve got more you know ….. level crossings .. that’s a whole post for another day. ;-))
I’m so late to the party but HAPPY NEW YEAR ..
Also , can I say that in June if I’ve not seen the person I’m saying it to since December 2021 ?????
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