Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Oh Deer!

A friend had told me about this house, that it had nativity scenes and was quite tasteful.
I did drive to find it but I don't think I can agree with her description. There is a nativity scene in there and some angels, but it's quite a display. A fine collection of Santas and deer.
I missed church those morning as planned, I'll be happy to go back on Wednesday but want to be sure I'm not at risk of taking anything I may have caught over the festive period into church with me. My tests are all negative, long may that last.
After seeing Kathryn and family yesterday, today Ali and Josie came over in the afternoon. Josie is at that delightful stage of cooing and chortling at things and beginning to reach out. She is also able to search with her gaze and fix on things visually. It's lovely to watch especially when you are the person she fixes on and smiles at. She's also playing vocal games too and loves it when her sounds are echoed back to her.
We had a lazy evening with another comfort food meal of spaghetti carbonara - Ali's choice this time. We then settled down and watched a couple of episodes of Only Connect.
A quiet evening to end a calm day. More mild temperatures, probably not the best way to keep the bugs away! I noticed today that my lobelia, a summer bedding plant, is still in flower in a couple of places in the garden. I can't say that I remember that before.
Keep safe folks. I'm hoping the figures this week, which will reflect Christmas, will not be too bad.

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