
This must be one of the best times for this common moss at this latitude, and probably one of the best days for it too. It looks extremely healthy. We've had a substantial mist throughout the day and I've stayed well away from the outside most of the day.

Though, I've started packing a bit but mostly sorting through books, tapes and records to decode what not to drag with me to my new place. The simple answer would be to throw away anything I haven't used, listened to, looked at or even remembered I possessed for the last five years. But once I look at the thing I get hesitant and think of everything this could be good for or to listen to at some special occasion, when no one else but me has kept it. I'm quite sentimental and a gatherer when it comes to music and books, that's probably why I've put this sorting off for so long, because I know how hard it's going to be.
Wish me luck.

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