
By Madchickenwoman

NYD Tradition

Happy New year to you all!
I forgoed/forwent (?!!!) a NYE party due to fear of catching covid and stayed home and finished knitting a scarf that has been on the go for over 2 years! I had Ginger for company as The Exile went to it!
So on the day I got to wear it on the traditional trip to Crackington Haven on the north coast. This year was different as they all went in the water! Big mistake! The waves were big and several of them got submerged! The Exile lost her glasses! The next day the group chat consisted of the listing of scratches and bruises they incurred! Crackington has long lines of rocks so the worst place to take a tumble!
Oscar was his usual frantic /anxious self! Whining and barking most of the time! He is anxious when people /dogs go in the water - being on lead he can't go in and rescue them! Also Ginger running around freely meeing other dogs brings out his protective instinct! The herding / protective instinct is so strong in the Berger Picard - wish I'd known that before deciding to get him! 
The waves were wondrous to watch, and the noise was like the crash of thunder with a crackling sound before they crashed! I got caught out twice by particularly strong ones and had my feet submerged! Thankfully it was so mild my feet were sodden but not cold! Sadly our fire got put out so no drying my socks for the drive home! We all took logs for the fire and I felyt like The Log Lady from Twin Peaks walking down to the beach with it! As it didn't get used I brought it home too! 
P.S. The penguin is Colourful Mai! So cute!
More photos here! as usual! 

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