Winter Tracks
It’s a rare thing to see undisturbed snow in our yard, and when it does happen, it typically follows a heavy snowfall, ie a foot or more. The smooth white surface never lasts long, maybe a few hours, because the local wildlife will eventually leave their safe havens in search of food • Because of the abundant wildlife activity in the yard, a clean print is another rare sighting. That’s why I was pleased to find a few white-tailed deer prints today and thought my blip friends would enjoy seeing them too • The deer pretty much visit nightly now for seeds, and know a few times a week they’ll be treated to apples and carrots. They walk from feeder to feeder, front yard to back yard, even on to the patios near both outside doors. It’s always a thrill knowing we share the same spaces, walk the same paths, and see and hear many of the same things • I can’t tell how many deer visitors we have, but my guess is 2-3. Last year we counted up to 12, and a few years before that a herd of 18 walked in a long line back and forth through nearby woods • Oh, such lovely dear deer :)
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