Circus Girl

By CirqueNoir


Burlington Bay/Hamilton Harbour

Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines. - Paul Brunton

This Morning and most of the afternoon, I had the pleasure of hanging out with my two nieces Sophia, and Bella (and one Direction), who are on spring break from Ohio. We did some girl bonding over coffee and shopping but not my kind of shopping, but teenage girl shopping, stores I would never go into and well One Direction Merchandise. Yes, we got a book, a game, a mug, some magazines, some bracelets, and yes each of them got a t-shirt, (well I must say I got a t-shirt too but my was a Doctor who t-shirt(don't laugh I know you want one lol).

Oh yeah! Joy of Joys I had the pleasure of listening two One Direction Cds, Who would have thought this Former Goth Girl (Real Goth not this Emo stuff they have now lol) would be listening to a Boy Band. Shh... Please do ruin my fine Goth, mental, punk reputation (wait I just did, didn't I).

I must say hanging with teenage girls is so much different from hanging with Teenage Boys, (Nephews) not that I hanging with teenage boys often. Well let's see what happens tomorrow as I am taking them to Toronto for the first time. So, here's hoping I get to control what is played on my car stereo.

After dropping the girls off at their Nona's, I took Charlie to Burlington Bay/Hamilton Harbour for a walk and to watch the sunset. (I must say a sun rise and a sunset are gifts that should not be missed).

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