William Rocks

When I got up this morning lovely blue skies and the sun was out. It looked like and Julie confirmed that we had had a fair amount of rain in the early part of the morning.
Once I had got breakfast out the way I decided to make the most of the lovely weather and go search out a blip. A lovely walk around the local park where quite a few other people had the same idea. I took quite a few shots but when I spotted this pile of painted rocks it just had to be my blip. They are around the base of the tree which is Decorated with Christmas decorations in memory of a young boy who sadly died WilliamRocks A lovely tribute to him.
Back home now and it is looking rather dull and grey outside so pleased I made the effort to get out for a blip. We are going to Retford soon to visit Jeri and the family..
A relaxed night planned for later with either a film or some Netflix and general TV viewing 

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