
By XSworld


We are back home after a relaxing week in Tuscany and this morning we woke up to a beautiful sunshine so we went to wish our river a happy new year. I brought my camera with me and we did pass my hoarfrost-playgrounds, but I decided not to take out the camera and walk further enjoying the company and the beautiful day. So the only photo I took was one of "my" river, with my phone. I decided to turn it upside down for todays blip, not just because it was a perfect reflection, but because I want to remind myself of how easy it is to turn things around if you set your mind to it, and how great things can be when you turn them around, new perspectives, new interpretations.
The first days of january are days of resolutions, I want to walk more, be a better person and include stretching and yoga more regularly into my life, and after the abundance of christmas-eating, I'm turning the menu around, from today I'm back to my greener way of eating.

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