What a lovely day:-

By BKeeper

for Mead

For some unaccountable reason, the consumption of mead is becoming more popular.  There was even a programme on the radio about it the other day.

So here you see a few bottles of mead that were produced last year, together with the beginnings of the 2022 brewing season in the gallon containers.  Nothing like starting the new year with a bang...

It is called Sack Mead (a very old expression) because the brew is slightly sweetened by sultanas.  The gallon containers are not completely filled at first so as to allow the yeast to get going.  Shortly they will be topped up with water.  Who knows if the mead will be good enough to enter our Honey Show in November.

Speaking of which you can see the tail end of a beeswax candle that won first prize!

Have a good year. 

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