Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

On The Hunt For Halloumi

You know you're scraping the barrel when you can only manage a blip of your dinner.

Anyhow, I woke up yesterday craving Halloumi. It always reminds me of long, lazy evenings in Cyprus in the in-Law's villa. However, it isn't the easiest cheese to find here. So, 3 speciality cheese places later, my friend suggested Whole Foods. And voilà! I had enough Halloumi to sink a Cypriot bank account.

In other news, 3 of my kids did something Very Silly tonight (no, I won't share what). I had to put on that very stern face Mums do so well, leaving them all looking very sorry for their naughty selves. However, I then had to hide in the loo as I was sniggering like an 8 year old and, I have to admit, I'm secretly very impressed with their, ermmm, creativity.

It's like Lord of the Flies here sometimes.

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