It's very quiet

The house is very quiet - too quiet.  The boys are in Stamford for a sleepover and it all feels very strange without them.  The husband and I looked at each other as we drove away from Granny and Grandpa with this 'something is missing' look.  That said, the house is clean and I've spent the evening sewing (this braid is for cushions I'm finishing off tomorrow).  I did quietly promise myself that there was no way I would spend time without the boys cleaning the house, but got home and realised that it kind of needed to happen. 

Lovely start to the New Year with a run followed by a cooked breakfast (cooked outside on the braai).

Today I'm grateful for: 
Very homely Saturday morning
Time alone with the husband
Boys who are happy (very happy) to go to Granny and Grandpa for a sleepover

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