Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God.

I am going to say a very happy 2022 to all who kindly visit my blip site. I am cautious about saying much, as various people are effected by the many emotions and events currently happening. We are trying to keep life peaceful, humble and God centred but do not do any socialising nor partying and no fireworks. It could sound boring or uneventful, but I count the blessings and continue to keep my gratitude log in a book. I put food out for the birds. I did some housework and reading. I was glad to be at home and followed Holy Mass online and watched a little television. Now, the Great British Bake Off is on and a Downton premier film at 8:30pm.
Our weather was pleasant, mild with some blue sky and dry. 11c so no complaints about warmth here.
Thanks for dropping by and have a pleasant evening blip friends.

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