Happy 2022 everyone

I couldn't say 'Happy New Year' at midnight last night because Ann made me go to bed at 9.45pm??? She woke up at 12.15am and heard one random firework going off. She vaguely wondered whether there'd been a load more at midnight that had frightened me, so she sneaked into the kitchen and I was happily fast asleep in my bed. Phew!

Anyway, due to Ann's work and socialising commitments we haven't had a whole day where it's just been the two of us for ages.................. Ann checked her weather app which often lies told her that it was going to be nice in North Berwick so she said, 'Trixie, would you like to go to North Berwick for a big long walk?'

We had a lovely few hours in North Berwick. We walked for about 6 miles along both of the beaches and we also discovered 'North Berwick Glen' which is a walk through a woody area. It was like a summer's day. Ann sat on a bench and ate chips whilst looking at the sea and she didn't share!!!

As you can see from our photo there were also quite a lot of 'silly' people swimming in the sea. It was a beautiful day, but even I, only did paddling?!

Having said that................... apparently if we still lived in St Ives permanently, Ann says she would join the 'open water swimmers'. It must be so exhilarating?!!! Maybe she'll try it in the next few weeks???

A day out in North Berwick has exhausted me so I'm snoozing in my bed. I haven't even looked at my dinner. I didn't eat my breakfast either.

Another early night beckons as we have a long drive to Ann's sisters tomorrow. She's going to do a LFT first thing just to check that she's not spreading any nasty COVID germs around.


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