Well, what a day! Woke up to the realisation of the fridge freezer not being on! Memory flashback to last night: I turned the plinth lights off ,,only I got the wrong switch. Just done a week's shop too. Googled it and it wasn't good . Had to bin it all. Not worth poisoning the kids. Online shop coming tomorrow
Found my self alone ( apart from Rio , upstairs) so played LP and cleaned the cupboards, sofas etc. Got the decs back jn the attic After all that hard work , I sat down , couldn't find the remote. Moved furniture, started cleaning again. No where in sight. Back in the attic again and found it in a bag!
This pic is a bit of a cheat. It's not mine ( hope you dont mind) but it's Vienna's. She went out with her big bro and his girlfriend, sporting my camera and looking a right twitcher! She took 160 pics : Bullfinch, Tits, long tailed and blue, Chaffinch, Pheasants , Red poll and various ducks. She did amazing and I'm super proud of her!
My new year resolutions are:
1, To feed the birds EVERY DAY to use the four tonnes of bird seed stored here.
2, To exercise daily ( bike or dance) even if not feeling it
3,To be more positive ( that's a big ask)
4, To make someone laugh or smile everyday.
5, To ' live for now' and have fun. Tomorrow's not guaranteed.
6, To give my children funny, fond memories of me ( I dont know when I'm going to pop my slippers? )
Hope you've all had a good day!
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